Sunday, August 14, 2011

If everything happens for a reason and God is in control then murder and cheating is for a reason?

Just because bad things happen in this world, and my friend they do, don't think that God cannot use everything that happens to you for His glory and down the road ultimately for your good. I am VERY sorry that you are being abused. God does not like that either- unfortunately we live in a fallen world- and there will be horrible things. Look at the book of Job. God can use what happens to use, however He does not always cause these things to happen. And about David being God's chosen one to be king over Israel.= remember that we all sin and fall short of His glory- if He only used those who led perfect lives, no one would be used. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. David was called a man after His own heart- not because he was perfect- but because he repented of his sin- repentance does not mean being caught and then being sorry- repentance is complete turn around- from sin, back to God. About the religious leaders to do business as you call it in the name of God- they are held accountable by this same God. It may seem at this moment that God does not care, or has abandoned people- however remember He has the ultimate victory- how do I know? Jesus died to pay for that victory.

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